Not a proud moment for me, but this beloved songstress of mine had a leaked video out where some dudes are talking to her and she seems to be out of her element. Watch for yourself. She does have a lot of enemies including a loser for a former husband.
Whoever leaked this video better explain himself/herself. This seems to have been filmed in a hotel where the diva had her guard down, or she might be trying to make it to her room when those guys stopped her and took their shoot. She is a mother and she had a legal battle with her husband over the custody of the children.
It seems that she knows at least one person in this group, and while we have no date on this video, it might have been leaked by her deranged husband. To her credit she sings so well even with having had too much to drink.
أخر فضايح نوال الزغبي سكرانة
فضيحة نوال الزغبي وهـي سكرانه بالفندق
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