
Monday, April 1, 2013

Listen: Fadel Shaker New Song أنشودة نوري اكتمل - المنشد فضل شاكر

Did God find Fadel Shaker or did later found him? Either way, the now retried pop and romance hit-maker is back with a new spiritual song or a hymn that he just released. I got to say, it's not half as bad. I may not see eye to eye with the singer, but he still has what God has granted him--his voice.

And if doing spiritual songs would keep him rocking, be my guest. This is would be a pop song had it talked about love and not God. But this is a smooth song about vice and virtue. I like it and happy to see the artist doing something that fill him with joy. His political opinions aside, I won't pile on Fadel Shaker.

 أنشودة نوري اكتمل - المنشد فضل شاكر

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