
Monday, November 19, 2012

"سبل عيونه" One Palestine Song, Many Versions And Styles

There is no formal Palestinians song, if there is it has yet to be commercialized. There are many traditional wedding songs most Palestinians grow up listening to. They are written in our DNA and they live though us to the history of our ancestors and the land. Bless their hearts the village people for preserving the art form singing, they take their fun seriously.  

One classical Palestinians song about a guy on his wedding night, as they are getting ready to tattoo his hand with Henna. He is overjoyed and his eyes tell so many tales of his happy yet uncertain future. The song strikes a balance of happy and sad about the changes that happen.

I have included a dozen of version of the song where it comes in different singing styles and where different artists perform essentially y the same song.

اغاني العرس الفلسطيني - سبل عيونه

سبل عيونو شفيق كبها

ابراهيم صبيحات سبل عيونه

فرقة العاشقين - سبل عيونه

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